Undercurrent Events

Hello, I’m Lee Drutman. I write Undercurrent Events. I’m a political scientist who cares about his dependent variables. I’ve taken to Substack to work through big questions on the structures and dynamics of American politics. If you like unusual ideas, want to nerd out on electoral systems, dig empirical-driven analysis, and appreciate (or at least tolerate) the groan-y but good-natured humor often labeled as “dad jokes,” you will like this blog. If you want to learn more about Taylor Swift, talk to my daughters. If you require immediate assistance, please press “0.” However, be warned! We are experiencing unusually long wait times due to the fact that our menu options have changed. You call is important to us, so please pay close attention. Our democracy is on the line. Its call will be answered in the order in which it was received. Again, please pay attention because our menu options have changed. Our chef is currently recommending the fusion voting and the open list proportional representation, because he believes in more and better political parties as the essential ingredients of a healthy modern democracy. He hopes you will, too.


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Deep forces are shaping our democracy. Change happens slowly. Then all at once.


Senior Fellow, New America // Author, Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop // Co-founder, Fix Our House // podcaster, Politics in Question // lecturer, Johns Hopkins University